I am

We are what we make out of ourself. Our mind, our actions creates the life that's ment for us. Choose your path wisely. Money isn't necessarily the key to happiness, but the state of a mind can be.

Skor på G

Kategori: Superficial

Leverans dag, 10 Dec. ja, lagom till födelsedagen där! Haha.

Dessutom ska jag "styla" om dem, lite nitar, lite kedjor, kommer bli så läckra!
Men nu, baaaara att vänta. hmpf!


  • Cissi säger:

    Hoppas du haft en trevlig helg! :)

    2010-10-04 | 00:21:02
    Bloggadress: http://cviklund.blogg.se/
  • Yeyhsalooyyoolashyey säger:

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    2011-05-20 | 11:31:40
    Bloggadress: http://yeyhsalooyyoolashyey.blogstie.com

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